Filmmaker Taylor Guterson

“[Dimension Films] landed the rights from Moore’s distribution partners Leigh Savidge and Stephen Housden of Xenon Pictures, who’ll be co-exec producers on the film.”


Filmmaker Taylor Guterson

“The Xenon Entertainment Group caters to Black urban Hip-Hop audiences in ways that other distribution companies/major studios have not.”


Filmmaker Taylor Guterson

Variety profiles Xenons’ landmark deal with Televisa!

Filmmaker Taylor Guterson

Playboy profiles Xenon’s ‘blaxsploitation’ titles!

Filmmaker Taylor Guterson

USA TODAY profiles Xenon Pictures’ “Urban” titles

Filmmaker Taylor Guterson

“And therein lies Savidge’s upperhand with the competition: He is distributing independent film titles that are not being distributed by the larger studios.”

Impact Weekly

Filmmaker Taylor Guterson

“Xenon is the leading marketer and dis­tributor of films targeting African-American audiences here and abroad.”

Los Angeles Business Journal

Filmmaker Taylor Guterson

The Wallstreet Journal profiles Xenon Pictures!

Filmmaker Taylor Guterson

LA Weekly profiles Xenon Pictures CEO Leigh Savidge & STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON!

Filmmaker Taylor Guterson

“The timing is right for this. This is the hottest single ethnic niche going forward.”

Leigh Savidge on Variety

Filmmaker Taylor Guterson

Timecode profiles Xenon’s UK launch!